Valle San Rafael

When I got back to pavement again (Highway 1), it started to rain! The desert rain continued as I drove south through the cactus forests of Valle de los Cirios, and then east to Bahía de los Angleles. There, I filled up with gas, and made a quick internet check-in, before continuing southeast along the coast. I reached a beach north of Campo San Rafael just before dark, and camped for the night. See in Google Maps  See in Google Earth   28.6014, -113.1310 

Rain Road south of Bahía de los Angleles San Rafael - Camping - Beach - Sportsmobile

The next morning, I met Pancho — out for a walk with his dog Lobo. Pancho told me he has been a resident for the last 22 years, and walks the beach every day.

San Rafael - Camping - Beach San Rafael - Camping - Beach - Sportsmobile San Rafael - Camping - Beach - Cactus San Rafael - Camping - Beach - Bird Bones San Rafael - Camping - Beach - Bird Skull Sign: "Campo San Rafael"

Heading further southeast through Valle San Rafael, the desert plants were beautiful in the early morning light. See in Google Maps  See in Google Earth   28.5460, -113.1478 

Valle San Rafael - Road Valle San Rafael - Cactus Valle San Rafael - Dead Cactus Valle San Rafael - Cactus Valle San Rafael - Cactus Valle San Rafael - Flower Valle San Rafael - Pod - Faux Persil (Cardiospermum Corindum) Valle San Rafael - Pod - Faux Persil (Cardiospermum Corindum) Valle San Rafael - Ocotillo Flower Valle San Rafael - Cactus Valle San Rafael - Seed Pod Valle San Rafael - Plant Valle San Rafael - Cactus Valle San Rafael - Cactus Valle San Rafael - Dead Cactus Valle San Rafael - Cactus - Stuck to Shoe Valle San Rafael - Bug Valle San Rafael - Cactus Valle San Rafael - Cactus Valle San Rafael - Road

Mules wandering in the desert.

Valle San Rafael - Mules Valle San Rafael - Mules

In the Puerto el Portezuelo area, an interesting cracked rock formation that looks like a stone wall. See in Google Maps  See in Google Earth   28.3754, -113.1034 

Puerto el Portezuelo - Rocks - Looks like a Wall

A quick visit to check out the community of San Francisquito.

El Progreso - Sign, "Arc Welding in San Francisquito" San Francisquito San Francisquito Puerto San Francisquito Puerto San Francisquito San Francisquito - Beach San Francisquito - Beach


There was a curious partially disassembled airplane at the end of the San Francisquito airstrip. See in Google Maps  See in Google Earth   28.4200, -112.8639  (Here's the story !)

San Francisquito - Disassembled Airplane San Francisquito - Disassembled Airplane