Going Home

At this point, my car started developing some minor issues (leaking front axle, jammed power door locks, and one destroyed tire) and I was getting a bit homesick, so I decided to head home.

Driving North - Long Straight Road (1/5/2002 9:08 AM)

I took the quick route — north on the paved Route 1 to Ensenada. This way was a lot more populated, and not nearly as scenic as the slow road I had come down on via Puertecitos. Ensenada was a return to American culture, with McDonalds, Home Depot, and other U.S. chain stores.

Ensenada (1/5/2002 2:58 PM)

Hoping to avoid the long lines at the U.S. border in Tijuana, and also simply for variety, I decided to take Route 2 northeast from Ensenada to Tecate, and cross there. Tecate was a very nice city, but had a tiny U.S. border crossing (only one lane), which was backed up to an hour wait. Things were still a little crazy from 9/11. Local people walked the line of cars selling snacks to us while we waited.

Tecate - Waiting in Line for US Border (1/5/2002 4:53 PM)