San Felipe, Baja California: 2001

Entering Mexico at Tijuana & Highway 1 South

Driving San Diego to Mexico - Mexican Border Entry Driving to Ensenada - US-Mexican Border - Looking North Back into US Driving to Ensenada - View of Coast from Road


Ensenada Dinner - Tracey - Guacamole Ensenada Viagra Packages at Pharmacy Ensenada Late Night Snack at Mariscos Market - Robin, Leo, Tracey - Campechana Ensenada - Leo, Tracey, Robin at Hotel with Pool

Driving Highway 3 East to San Felipe

Driving to San Felipe - Road Sign for San Felipe Driving to San Felipe - Pit Stop - Leo, Robin in Front of Muck Driving to San Felipe - Desert Stop - Robin, Leo Photographing Prickly Plant Desert Stop - Geoff with Pricker Plant in Shoe (Leo's Photo) Driving to San Felipe - Desert Stop - Tracey, Robin Driving to San Felipe - Desert Stop - Geoff, Leo, Tracey Desert Stop - Geoff on Jeep Photographing (Leo's Photo) Driving to San Felipe - Desert Stop

San Felipe

San Felipe - View from Hotel Room San Felipe - Sea of Cortez San Felipe - Robin,, Leo with Whale Skull San Felipe - Dinner: Campechana, - Leo San Felipe - Dinner Outside Restaurant - Leo with Scary Probes Man San Felipe - Dinner Outside Restaurant San Felipe - Pharmacy Where We Made Phone Calls

Blue Drinks

San Felipe - Rockodile - Blue Drinks San Felipe - Rockodile - Blue Tongues San Felipe - Rockodile - Geoff, Tracey, Robin, Leo

Last Day of 2000

San Felipe - Car with Obnoxious Loudspeaker on Roof San Felipe - Viagra Sign San Felipe - Tracey Digging for Clams San Felipe - Robin, Leo, Tracey Digging for Clams San Felipe - from Beach


San Felipe - ATVs - Leo San Felipe - ATVs - Tracey, Leo San Felipe - ATVs - Tracey Crashes into Cactus

Church on Hill

San Felipe - from Church on Hill, Staircase Leading Up San Felipe - Church on Hill - Robin, Leo, Tracey San Felipe - from Church on Hill

New Years Eve

San Felipe - New Years Eve - Leo Spinning San Felipe - New Years Eve - Leo Spinning Water Reflections San Felipe - New Years Eve - Bar San Felipe - New Years Eve - Rockodile - Bartender Making Drinks San Felipe - New Years Eve - Rockodile - Blue Drink Finished San Felipe - New Years Eve - Rockodile - Blue Drink San Felipe - New Years Eve - Rockodile - on Dance Floor - Geoff, Robin, Leo, Tracey

New Years Day

Breakfast Pastries at Pastry Shop - Tracey, Leo San Felipe - Shopping - Tracey, Robin, Leo Looking at Necklaces San Felipe - Shopping - Tracey, Leo Blowing on Turtles San Felipe - View of Street


San Felipe - Fish Tacos San Felipe - Dinner - Robin with Do-It-Yourself Coffee San Felipe - Dinner Campechana Tentacles


San Felipe - Sunset Sunset - Tracey, Leo, Robin, Geoff

Mechanical Bull

San Felipe - Riding Mechanical Bull - Geoff San Felipe - Riding Mechanical Bull - Geoff Fallen Off San Felipe - Riding Mechanical Bull - Leo San Felipe - Riding Mechanical Bull - Leo Motion San Felipe - Riding Mechanical Bull - Leo Fallen

Late Night Snack

San Felipe - Late Night Snack - Tracey, Leo

Driving North on Highway 5: A Salt Flats Detour

Salt Flat - Geoff on Jeep (Leo's Photo) Driving North from San Felipe: Detour to see Salt Flats - Geoff, Robin, Leo, Tracey Driving North from San Felipe: Detour to see Salt Flats - Robin, Tracey - Jeep Driving North from San Felipe: Detour to see Salt Flats - Geoff on Jeep, Throwing a Saltball Driving North from San Felipe: Detour to see Salt Flats - Leo in Salty Puddle Salt Flat Salt Crystals Close Up (Leo's Photo) Driving North from San Felipe: Detour to see Salt Flats - Water at Salt Farm Driving North from San Felipe: Detour to see Salt Flats