Exploring the Land by Jeep, Part 1
Leaving La Paz, and exploring the coast to the north, to Punta Las Pilitas. Isla EspĂritu Santo, one of the two islands we had just explored by kayak, was visible in the distance. Our first campsite on Punta Las Pilitas
Old lava flows made for interesting beach textures. Laura finds an outgrown lobster shell.
The next morning — we climbed the hills on the main (and only) east coast shore road south of San Juan de Los Planes. There were great views on the east coast, but not much beach access.
Our Jeep, experiencing temporary engine trouble. It might be a long walk! After the Jeep finally started again, a well-needed beer break!
Our campsite the second night, on the northern end of the beach at Cabo los Frailes. We didn't have the beach completely to ourselves, but no one was within a mile of our tents. Can you make out Laura and the tent just below the rocks?