I'd never seen much of Texas before. After passing through El Paso, I took Highway 90 east as it edged up close to the Rio Grande. I was reminded that I was on the border, with Border Patrol checkpoints on the road and a farmer's stern sign about not eating his nuts. Other roadside curiosities included Diesel Fried Chicken, Fancy Junk, a tethered blimp, and gas pump stickers reminding you to pay for your gas.
The Rio Grande
The Rio Grande, at Amistad National Recreation Area.
I spent the night camping in Amistad NRA, driving down past the end of the
boat ramp onto the dry lakebed. The Amistad Reservoir water seemed to have been
at a very low level for quite a while. The old road which used to cross the
area before it was dammed now served as a "temporary boat ramp".
29.5446, -101.0124
The next day, I followed the road southeast along the Rio Grande, past Eagle Pass where it was signposted as ending, and became a dirt track. But I continued, and this dirt track went on for another 50 miles or so, until it became pavement again at Laredo.
The End
Now, my border exploration journey was reaching an end. The last town in Texas is Brownsville.
Past Brownsville, was Boca Chica State Park, where I could drive the last
2½ miles south on the sand to the Mexican Border at the mouth of the Rio
25.9556, -97.1464
And, that's it! The rest of the trip was on highways, visiting friends and relatives, and a wedding, so I won't bore you with those details.