Southern Arizona & New Mexico
I bypassed Phoenix, staying on the backroads until I had reached Interstate 8, which I took east to Tucson.
Titan II Missile Silo Site
The Tucson area once contained many Titan II Missile silos. I had visited one the previous
which had been preserved as a museum, but I had the GPS coordinates of
the other missile silo sites. This one, 25 miles southeast of Tucson, was far
from a museum.
31.9572, -110.6623
New Mexico
Entering New Mexico, I took the lonely two-lane Highway 9, which parallels the Mexican border.
I paused near Malpais (nothing there) where I had my encounter with the Border Patrol the year
, to climb Guzman's Lookout and check out the unobscured view of the
Mexican border.
31.8227, -107.2256