Estero Percebú
It was time for me to decompress for a while on a nice beach.
I headed south, through San Felipe, and down to Estero Percebú where there's a secluded sand bar I've camped on many times. This time, I stayed two nights.
30.7823, -114.7006
During the day I sought out advice from mechanics in town. As I suspected, no one had a suitable replacement part. My last hope was some kind of Baja magic repair, but none was forthcoming. In any case, I didn't want to be dealing with car repair for the remainder of my vacation.
Beach finds - lots of clams, and this dead whale:
I noticed a well drilling operation going on off in the distance. This could be an ominous sign of future development. This is one of the last few undeveloped beaches south of San Felipe.
I left Percebú to do a bit more (mostly pavement) exploring. Heading back north, I passed the infamous "Oh Shit Dip", which had been freshly painted. This always makes me smile! At least when I notice it in time.
30.8556, -114.7442
I ran across guy and his dog by the side of the road. They were out of gas, so I offered to fetch some at the nearest Pemex gas station. Quickie marts here don't seem to sell gas cans. People apparently just use old plastic water or drink bottles to transport gas. I thought maybe my glass wine bottle would be a better idea (to avoid dissolving plastic perhaps?), but the station attendants shook their heads and indicated to me it was a bad idea. That would be dangerous!