Road to Agua Verde
Driving south, we decided to have one last camping adventure before reaching La Paz. Laura had read in The Magnificent Peninsula about Agua Verde, the last readily accessible town on the east coast of Baja before La Paz. Taking a small road off from Highway 1 at Km G-63, we drove about 11 miles until we hit an escarpment where the road drops steeply to the sea. We took a good look at the gorgeous vistas and saw that the sun was about to set so we should find a place to camp. We knew that we didn't have enough time to drive all the way to Agua Verde, so scanning the horizon for a good camping place we spotted a small road that ran off the main road into the hills. Maybe we could find some views camping there?
The steep, windy road was gorgeous and a little scary. Not suitable for large RVs!
We reached our little side road and drove up a bit to where it soon ended.
25.5784, -111.1824
In the middle of the night, we woke up to the sound of rain beating on the roof of the car. We both got up early, frightened that the windy road back to the highway would be muddy and slippery. Fortunately, it was gravel and we had no problems returning to the pavement.