Pátzcuaro, the largest (pop. 70,000) town in the area, sits at the southern end of Lake Pátzcuaro. The town center retains its centuries old feeling with its ancient buildings, narrow streets, traditional storefronts, and local crafts for sale. It's a popular tourist destination. During the day, the cobblestone streets of Pátzcuaro's main square are lined with tour busses. The library is a wonderful centuries old cathedral-like building, but sadly holds very few books.
I was impressed by the fleet of 1970's-style Volkswagen vans used as taxis.
Brian doesn't have regularly have electricity his place, so he often travels to Pátzcuaro to buy candles and other supplies. One time we bought a ten-kilo candle for US$40. Note the lack of railings on the second floor of the hardware store. (No litigation issues here!) We found some beautiful hand-painted sinks for US$40 - $50
For lunch, we would eat tortas (Brian's favorite) or Campechana seafood cocktail (my favorite).
One day we drove the cobblestone road up to the top of the nearby volcano El
19.5168, -101.6408