
Packing, and the drive down

Packing - Trailer - Stuff in Car (Aug 17) Packing - Carpet - Gas Cans (Aug 17) Driving Down - Working on Jellyfish Streamers (Aug 18) Driving Down - Klamath Falls - Steve's Place Pawn Shop - Stepped in Something (Aug 19) Driving on Playa - Driving (Aug 19)

The first few days: Setting up camp, helping build the Temple of Joy, helping unload pieces of the Duck Bar.

Camp (panorama) (Aug 21)
Setting Up Dome (Aug 19) Sunset - Dust - Trailer - Dome (Aug 19) Trailer Being Unpacked - Cooking Dinner in Microwave (Aug 19) Hammering Rebar (Aug 20) Hat (Aug 20) Kitchen Fist - Punching (Aug 20) Temple of Joy Construction - Cases of Rockstar (Aug 20) Unloading the Duck Bar (Aug 20)

On Wednesday, we took a trip 15 miles northeast into the Playa to the hot spring at Black Rock Point. Then, after a long bumpy ride on a jeep trail (that I had discovered in my travels the previous summer) to the top of a cliff 1300 ft. above the playa, we enjoyed the panoramic view looking back toward Black Rock City. We were just barely able to establish GMRS radio contact with someone all the way back in Black Rock City.

Trip to Black Rock - Black Rock Hot Springs Old Covered Wagon (Aug 21) Trip to Black Rock - Black Rock Hot Springs Water (Aug 21) Trip to Black Rock - Mini Playa with Island - Jeep (Aug 21) Trip to Black Rock - Top of Cliff (elevation 5300 ft) Crack - Looking South Toward Mini Playa and Black Rock Point (Aug 21) Trip to Black Rock - Top of Cliff (elevation 5300 ft) Looking South Towards Black Rock Point - Black Rock City and Gerlach in Distance (panorama) (Aug 21)