Driving Down

In the RV, convoying with the bus.

Day 0: Driving Down - Entering Dry Country Day 0: Driving Down - Driving Behind Bus Day 0: Driving Down - In RV Day 0: Driving Down - In RV

Bus runs out of gas. Being in the middle of nowhere, we were trying to make it to a FULL-sized truck stop for the bus (which is diesel), and there was supposed to be one at the next exit, but the bus ran out of gas. Oops!

Day 0: Driving Down - Bus Out of Gas Day 0: Driving Down - Bus Out of Gas Day 0: Driving Down - Bus Out of Gas Day 0: Driving Down - Bus Out of Gas Day 0: Driving Down - RV from Behind with Bus Out of Gas Day 0: Driving Down - Out of Gas - Filling Tank Day 0: Driving Down - Out of Gas - Filling Tank Day 0: Driving Down - Big Monkey Driving Bus Day 0: Driving Down - Big Monkey in Bus Day 0: Driving Down - Inside Bus Day 0: Driving Down - Bus Cockpit Day 0: Driving Down - Starting Bus Day 0: Driving Down - Bus Cockpit

The little gas station. It turned out to not be a huge truck stop.

Day 0: Driving Down - Little Gas Station - In Front of Bus Day 0: Driving Down - Little Gas Station Day 0: Driving Down - Little Gas Station Day 0: Driving Down - Little Gas Station Day 0: Driving Down - Little Gas Station Truck in Air

Back on the road

Driving DownSunflower (photo by Laura) Driving Down - Road Bus (photo by Laura) Driving Down - Road Bus (photo by Laura) Day 0: Driving Down - in RV Day 0: Driving Down - Driving RV Day 0: Driving Down - Road

Bus breaks down. Several engine belts had disintegrated and fallen off, including the power steering and water pump. The bus was stranded for the night, but the RV continued to the Playa that night.

Day 0: Driving Down - Bus Breaks Down Day 0: Driving Down - Bus Breaks Down View from Above Day 0: Driving Down - Bus Breaks Down View from Above Day 0: Driving Down - Bus Breaks Down - Gnarly Tree Day 0: Driving Down - Bus Breaks Down - Gnarly Tree Closeup Day 0: Driving Down - Bus Breaks Down - Trying to Use Stocking As Power Steering Belt Day 0: Driving Down - Bus Breaks Down - Trying to Use Stocking As Power Steering Belt

Dinner by the side of the road, in the RV

Day 0: Driving Down - Bus Breaks Down Eating Dinner in RV Day 0: Driving Down - Bus Breaks Down Eating Dinner in RV Day 0: Driving Down - Bus Breaks Down Eating Dinner in RV Day 0: Driving Down - Bus Breaks Down Eating Dinner in RV Day 0: Driving Down - Bus Breaks Down Eating Dinner in RV

Arrive at the playa, 3:30 am

Day 0: Arrive in Burning Man Entrance Arrive at Burning Man Gate (photo by Laura) Day 0: Arrive in Burning Man ALN Stuff Pile Day 0: Arrive in Burning Man Climbing Tower Day 0: Center Camp Construction Cutouts (photo by Laura) Day 0: Arrive in Burning Man Center Camp Being Built Day 0: Arrive in Burning Man Center Camp Being Built Day 0: Arrive in Burning Man Center Camp Being Built