Wenatchee Forest North of Ellensburg
Wenatchee National Forest
Heading north from Ellensburg and winding up into the hills, I drove up into Wenatchee National Forest on Reecer Creek Road — which, surprisingly, was a single lane paved road!
47.1707, -120.5918
Table Mountain
It was fascinating to see, two years later, the landscape transformed by the huge 2012 Table Mountain forest fire. The majority of the trees were dead, but the wildflowers were fantastic!
47.2711, -120.5832
Lion Rock
Nice big grassy camping area here, and nearby views.
47.2512, -120.5887
Haney Meadow
Lush green meadow here.
47.3118, -120.5321
Liberty-Beehive Road
Views into Wenatchee.
47.3154, -120.4933
Several little reservioir lakes are in easy walking distance of Beehive Mountain.
47.3326, -120.3972
Jumpoff Ridge & Harriets Peak Lookout Tower
Naneum Ridge
I tried to reach Naneum Point and Wenatchee Mountain, but near the ridge top I was frustrated by snow not yet melted. I finally managed to get to Naneum Point by taking another road on the southwest slope.
47.2633, -120.3925
Judy's Tamarack Park
An unusual variety of big old trees here
, including tamarack, Douglas fir, alpine fir, aspen, and lodgepole pine.
47.2259, -120.3747
Naneum Area
Locked In
Trying to leave the forest and return to pavement, I somehow found myself locked in — on the wrong side of various gates. At Schnebly Road, I managed to drive around this gate.
47.1238, -120.4254