Ozette Lake & Cape Alava
Ozette Lake
Our first night, camping at Ozette Lake.
48.1528, -124.6668
Backpacking to Cape Alava
Lyra hiked all 3 miles in four hours! Laura was incredibly patient, coming up with endless incentives for our 4-year-old — including songs, treats, games, and curiosities.
Cape Alava
Despite the weather forecast of rain, we had great weather.
We were required to bring bear canisters, and store our food and trash sealed inside them at all times. The animals around the campground have become totally fearless of people. Deer came right through our camp, nibbling away at plants, oblivious to us. Chipmunks bravely darted up to us and our food to try to steal whatever we had laying out.
Lyra enjoyed exploring the beach, building her "collection" of found objects. She also spent the days coloring, exploring tidepools with mama, making sand castles, and romping naked in the water (while her parents stayed bundled up in coat and hat).
Hiking Back
This time we did it in under three hours!
Turning in Our Bear Cans
The end!